Tuesday, November 16, 2010

{The Big Move Is this Week}

My husband and I are moving to Fort Wayne. He got a great job that is taking us north. I will still be traveling back and forth to Indy to photograph clients, just might take me a bit longer:) We started on Saturday, but it is Tuesday and we are still moving.....I am currently at Starbucks using the Internet....the Comcast guy let me down. I ask that all clients be patient with my move. I hope to be back up and working full time tomorrow.
This move has been very stressful and time consuming. Thank you all for your best wishes and patience.

1 comment:

Customer.Connect.Melissa said...

Hi There!

Best of luck with your move!

I'm sorry to hear that we let you down. Let me know if I can help with your installation. Shoot our team an email to the address below. We're here if you need us.

Kind Regards,
Melissa Mendoza
Social Media Specialist
National Customer Operations